The Importance of Aging Testing for Rearview Vehicle Monitors


The Role and Importance of the Rearview Vehicle Monitor

The rearview vehicle monitor is a device installed inside vehicles, commonly used to display images or videos of the area behind the vehicle, aiding drivers in reversing, parking, and driving maneuvers more safely. These monitors typically work in conjunction with backup cameras or rearview cameras to provide a real-time view of the rear, enabling drivers to clearly see potential obstacles, pedestrians, or other vehicles.

The Necessity of Aging Tests

Given the significance of rearview vehicle monitors in enhancing driving safety and convenience, ensuring their reliability and performance is critical. This is why aging tests are necessary. Aging tests help manufacturers ensure that these monitors can operate reliably over extended periods under various environmental conditions, meeting drivers’ needs and providing dependable safety.

The Basic Principles and Purpose of Aging Tests

Basic Principles of Aging Tests

Aging tests are systematic testing methods designed to simulate the conditions that a product may experience over extended use and in harsh environments to assess its performance, reliability, and durability. The basic principles of aging tests include:

Simulation of Actual Usage: A key principle of aging tests is to simulate the conditions and environments the product may encounter in actual use. This means that the tests must take into account the real-world application of the product and environmental factors such as temperature, humidity, and vibration.

Accelerated Aging: Aging tests often use accelerating factors, like increased temperature or humidity, to speed up the aging process of the product. This allows the long-term effects of usage to be simulated in a relatively short period.

Continuous Monitoring and Recording: During aging tests, it is essential to continuously monitor and record the performance and condition of the product. These data are crucial for subsequent analysis and improvements.

Assessing Failure Points: One of the objectives of aging tests is to identify the failure points of the product, i.e., the conditions under which the product begins to show decreased performance or malfunctions. This helps manufacturers to identify and improve weaknesses in the product.

What is the Main Purpose of Aging Tests?

The main purposes of aging tests are:

Verifying Product Reliability: By simulating long-term use and harsh environmental conditions, aging tests can verify the reliability of the product in actual use. This helps manufacturers to determine if the product is stable enough to operate normally under challenging conditions.

Early Detection of Issues: Aging tests can help manufacturers detect potential issues and defects before the product is released to the market. This allows for measures to improve product design and manufacturing processes to enhance product quality.

Evaluating Product Life: Through aging tests, manufacturers can assess the lifespan of the product and determine when it may require maintenance or replacement. This helps customers understand the expected life of the product and plan accordingly.

Meeting Regulatory Requirements: In some industries, aging tests are among the requirements of regulations and standards. By conducting aging tests, manufacturers can ensure that their products comply with relevant regulations and standards, thus avoiding legal issues.

How to Conduct Aging Tests on Rearview Vehicle Monitors

Testing Steps

Environmental Simulation: In the test chamber, place the rearview vehicle monitor under constant temperature (40°C) and humidity (90% relative humidity) to simulate a high-temperature and high-humidity environment.

Cycle Testing: Connect the monitor to a reversing camera and continuously run both the monitor and the camera for 12 hours each day to simulate long-term usage.

Vibration Testing: Use a vibration table to simulate the vibrations a vehicle experiences on different road conditions and conduct vibration testing for a duration of 10 hours.

Electromagnetic Interference Test: In an electromagnetic interference testing chamber, expose the monitor to electromagnetic radiation to simulate interference that may be caused by electronic devices within the vehicle.

Continuous Monitoring: Throughout the testing period, continuously monitor and record the performance and condition of the monitor, including indicators such as screen brightness, resolution, and color accuracy.


Aging tests are crucial for the performance and reliability of rearview vehicle monitors. They ensure that the products can operate stably in actual use, enhancing the safety and convenience for drivers.

Luview is a professional manufacturer and solution provider of rearview safety products from China. Whether you are looking for vehicle monitors or cameras, we are your choice. If you are searching for a suitable supplier, please contact [email protected] for more details. We are committed to providing high-quality, reliable rearview safety products to meet your needs and offer a safer driving experience for your vehicle.