I was always considering to write a tutorial on how to install the rearview backup camera and lcd display together to user’s own car, as i have seen many consumers prefer to buy rear view backup camera and lcd monitor themselves directly from manufacturer instead of buy from a reseller or an agent, and then DIY installation themselves, as this will ensure them adopting the best quality cameras and monitors with the lowest budget, at the same time, the satisfaction is a ultimate proud. However, when i sourcing resources on the internet, i found a DIY video published by Dr. Fuss really perfect, so i decide to share this video to Luview rearview car camera and lcd monitor users ;I have also reorganize the words, so it is more readable for those who have limited access to Youtube. Below is the video and articles, i hope it could helps our user or buyer.
It is dr. fuss here and in this video,I will be replacing the rear view camera which I installed about maybe six seven years ago it’s a wireless one and it really didn’t work that well, a lot of interference, so I’m going to be removing this old one here and replacing it with a wired one so I went on eBay and picked up this 4.3 inch LCD display here and also this rear view camera, let me show you what’s inside, so anyways this is the 4.3 inch LCD with a cabling inside, also here is the serial camera comes with a long wire so you can run it from the back to the front of the car power cable, this is the camera itself very small very compact, so before I installed this new camera in the LCD screen I ran a quick test, basically a wired both the camera and LCD to my 12 volt power supply here and the quick test powers up LCD screen looks good, camera looks good too.
so who’s on this side you don’t have to remove the whole thing, using the association good access to the wire then for the rubber seal basically just pull on the rubber seal, I remove this go around painting all the remove the whole thing the side you need to work, pull the rest here, now over here you got these plastic strap hooks here carefully, yeah you don’t know loosen that right off and uh there’s another one down below here over here with this bottom piece.
Basically there are Clips behind it and Clips underneath here so pull it up this way first on the side panel, basically just pull it back release the clips, you also need to follow this tooth, here is rubber – and then you put access feetthe wire from the back hatch into the car, so the first thing I’m going to do is take the long RCA cable and feed it through this rubber tube here and into the back pouch here, now I do have the old wiring here so I might use that to help me guide that through, but if not basically use a screwdriver or coat hanger and feed it through, I mean the length of this not very long so it’s not that difficult, so we’re going up this end, we want to next is basically put the camera where you want it then once it’s lined up, mark the hole and then we’ll go ahead and mount camera, but the two screws up came the account so that’s what the camera looks like, is it mounted now, we’re going to pass this RCA into the car, so there’s really no easy way about it on this vehicle, some other vehicles you might be able to find a bigger hole but I’m going to have to use a step up, you need it and put a hole right in the middle here, and then feet this wire through, I’m gonna slip a piece of tape in here just to give it a little bit of smoother edge, so when a wire there’s not gonna keep rubbing on it, the close up that hole I got some ducting aluminum tape, and get these at all home people, I cut a piece off and I’m gonna cover the hole with this too, now one thing I just realizes this cable I brought from the inside of the car to the hatch here is is an RCA cable, I have this cable which inside has two conductors, one is going to be for your reverse 12-volt and the other ones in background, and we run this in parallel with this cable here, now that you have the water spread and go ahead and close something from it that goes to the proper holes here, then we’ll carefully feed the wire so go ahead and route the wires along here and use some tie wraps to talk to the existing wires.
Now I want to point out the 20-foot RCA cable also has this red lead now on both sides, there is this red wire and you can use it to carry your reverse 12’o, and that’s why i’m going to use it for, but I’m going to bring in my home power which I ran the wire for the video and then also ran a power cable, so this power cables that go back into the car and connect to the reverse 12-volt, so what I’m going to do is that this wire that goes back into the car and connect to that reverse 12-volt it’s going to power, I’m going to connect to the red here except power the camera and also I’m not tap this wire from the RCA cable onto the 12-volt, also here and this wire that run all the way to the front of the car is going to get the reverse 12-volt to the LCD screen, so that’s how I’m gonna power everything using the reverse light here.
Okay now that everything is connected, go ahead and select the power to the power connector on the camera and using Tyra secure the wire here, so at this point the camera installation is done, we just gotta put the cover back on now, also the hatches put back together, go ahead route the wires along the side here into the car.
Okay let me talk about what am i do here now, because I had a previous reverse camera, I already tapped the reverse light on the back of this car and that’s what this blue wire is, and all I did last time was to basically pull this light out, you have the wiring harness and you’ll need a voltmeter, okay you’re going to need a voltmeter, and probe the wire that goes to the reverse light, you need to basically probe it, so one is going to be on the wire and one is going to be on ground, and that’s that’s how you read the 12-volt, have someone help you put the car in reverse and then once it’s in reverse then you’ll see that there is 12 volt on the wire, so I brought this far in and it goes straight to that wire on the reverse, okay now what I’ll do here is at the ground I’m going to basically tap a ring terminal like you see here and then screw it on to the side of the car, that will give me the ground and again the red wire is going to be the reverse 12v, oh that connects to the backup reverse lights and wiring, okay so here you see the part where the ground is tapped into the chassis of the car, and I tapped a reverse cameras power 12 volt into the reverse wire a dipole, so the next thing you need to do is the other end of the RCA cable is to run this cable, along the inside of the car and all the way to the front of the vehicle.
Now to get the wire from here all the way over behind the third row, you can use like a co hanger like I’m doing here, and this just put the coat hanger all the way down to the bottom here, and pull it through and that’s what I’ve done here, so here’s the RCA, at this point you can go ahead and close everything up at the back now, here I’m at the side door and with most cars these sidesteps you basically pull up, they’re clips on it, I can just remove it.
Now when you get the wire to the b-pillar, that’s a pillow right behind the driver’s seat, this panel typically is quite difficult to take out, because the seatbelts also anchor to here, so what I typically do is tuck it underneath, stick your finger underneath and tuck the wire underneath, so that’s out of the way just run this all the way to the front door and then put the panel back on, when you’re done just feed the wire follow the bundle of wire that is already there now on the a-pillar, basically what you want to do is pull on the weather stripping here all the way up and then over here again there’ll be clips, just want to give a hand in there and put to release the clips as you can see with its RCA cable is too short, I’m sure if it was installed in a sedan then this cable is probably long enough but I have to bring this all the way up on the a-pillar, all the way up here and the LCD wire is not very long so so what I have here is an extension cable basically is one RCA cable with an adapter in the middle, which will allow me to connect this end to that end and extend this video output cable all the way up to the LCD monitor, the other thing I’ll need to extend is going to be the reverse 12-volt red wire that was hooked up at the back and I’m going to extend that up to the a pillar also underneath it – I’m going to find a ground, usually we’ll find a bolt of some sort or you can tap your own ground underneath the dash, and that’ll be my ground so that will complete the connection. I have the video which is the yellow RCA, the red cable is my reverse 12-volt and on my ground, that’s all that’s needed to complete the wiring so I ran the water up through this groove make sure tuck it in, so it doesn’t get pinched all the way up here and I also ran the extension power cable, I have the ground and the reverse 12-volt up here is the extension for the video RCA, so I’ve decided to mount the LCD display above the rear view mirror, so the back here on the base there is a double sided tape, just peel the backing off and stick it on so right now I’m just tucking all the wires up top on the headliner and then close this off and that’s it.
So let me test it out, it’s pretty late outside, so it’s dark outside and this test will give you an idea how well the camera works, so I’ll put it in reverse and illuminates probably good, 15 feet there, and the camera came on pretty quickly, put in the park turns off and we put it back in reverse again, so it comes down pretty quickly, now let me give you another look of the camera at the back, very low profile it looked like it’s a factory camera, and one thing I didn’t mention earlier is about the camera and the LCD that I bought is from eBay, but different sellers, I bought it like that because I wanted to get the lowest price, the camera I paid about twelve dollars, and the LCD display I paid twenty dollars, if you buy as a kit, usually it will be a little more expensive, so just be aware of that and if you have any questions, then leave me us a comment.